Daily Archives: February 28, 2008

Early Reader – Pish and Posh

Pish and Posh coverPosh is little and rambunctious. Pish is tall and responsible. One day they find a Fairy Handbook on the ground outside their house. Posh immediately wants to try it out, but Pish is not interested on the grounds that most of Posh’s ideas are bad ideas. Posh tries anyway, and quickly lands herself into trouble by not reading all of the directions first. She fills the kitchen with suds, then accidentally summons monsters and mermaids while trying to locate a lost dog. All is put right in the end, of course, in this amusing early reader.

Authors Barbara Bottner and Gerald Kruglik get the relationship between Pish and Posh just right. I particularly liked the scene where Pish discovers the destroyed kitchen, and immediately asks Posh if she had been using the Fairy Handbook and whether she had read through all of the directions first, causing Posh to wonder “How did Pish know everything?”